jarang posting ya.. karena sesuatu hal dan lain dan tak bukan...😆
sebelum memulai share video Zumba "Panama" nunuk meminta selalu support SenamRaga satu - satunya website yang secara khusus membahas video zumba , aerobik beserta tips - tips sehat lainnya.
Trus bagaimana yah cara men-support web ini agar senantiasa tetap update ?
cukup share 🔁 setiap post - post baru di akun sosmed / grup whatsapp kalian.
semakin banyak yang share maka Nunuk akan semakin semangat , serta rajin nulisnya dan video - videonya uptodate.
cara sharenya bagaimana kak ? gampang copy saja likn/Url di browser kamu 😀 tinggal di bagikan deh.
kok tdk disediakan tombol share biar lebih simple kak ? karna nunuk yakin netizen sekarang yang hidup di era milineal sudah pada pintar urusan berbagi link.. dari pada nyebarin hoax mending sebarin www.senamraga.net
Okey broh share kali ini nunuk ingin membahas lagu si babang ganteng matteo , yang mana dalam liriknya lagu panama menceritakan tentang aktifitas cowok metropolitan yang lagi kesengsem dengan gadis panama.
seperti lagu despacito dan taki - taki sangat cocok untuk mengiringi aktifitas zumba sobat SenamRaga, karena hentakan - hentakannya dapet dan tidak begitu menyulitkan untuk di kreasikan dengan choreo khas zumba.
langsung saja ya broh simak video officialnya berikut
Lirik Panama by Matteo Original
Dacă nici aşa nu-ţi place Ia mai zboară în panama
Zile, zile
Zile, zile eu alerg
Mile, mile
Mile, mile pe maidan
Pentru tine tine
Să-ţi dau un dar, dar cel mai de preţ dar fără nici un ban
Ganja, iarba sunt inutile tile
Numai tu ştii să-mi dai aripile pile
În Jamaica sau în Chile-Chile
Inima face Bom-Bom, numai pentru tine tine
Numai pentru tine
N-ai răspuns la telefon, no problem
Te scot pe balcon
Şi-o să vezi cu ochii tăi cum ţi-aduc flori, un camion
Şi îţi cânt aşa, cu chitara mea
Dacă nici aşa nu-ţi place ia mai zboară-n panama
Ce până mea!
Mai zboara-n panama
Zboară ce până mea
Mai zboara-n panama
Hai mai zboara…
Kile-kile, kile-kile eu am dat jos
Oricum baby nu erau de folos-los
Mi-e dor de tine, sunt întors pe dos-dos
Acasă ajung la timp, tre' să o iau pe jos-jos
La ce ne folosesc banii, banii, banii
Dacă tu îmi dai iubire şi zi de zi pun anii
Ca Bonnie & Clyde să fiu doar eu cu tine
Şi o să avem, clar, o iubire ca în filme
O iubire ca în filme
N-ai răspuns la telefon, no problem
Te scot pe balcon
Şi-o să vezi cu ochii tăi cum ţi-aduc flori, un camion
Şi îţi cânt aşa, cu chitara mea
Dacă nici aşa nu-ţi place ia mai zboară-n panama
Ce până mea!
Mai zboara-n panama
Zboară ce până mea Aa-aa-aa
Mai zboara-n panama
Baby chiar, hai vino încoa!
Am dragoste la mine, o dau la schimb cu a ta
Baby chiar, dragostea mea e de calitate
Dau gramul, gram, hai ia!
N-ai răspuns la telefon, no problem
Te scot pe balcon
Şi-o să vezi cu ochii tăi cum ţi-aduc flori, un camion
Şi îţi cânt aşa, cu chitara mea
Dacă nici aşa nu-ţi place ia mai zboară-n panama
Ce până mea!
Mai zboara-n panama
Zboară ce până mea
Mai zboara-n panama
Hai mai zboară!
Jangan di hapal ya broh bikin pusing kepala saja 😂
kalau mau tau english version boleh di simak lirik berikut broh.
If you don't like it this way either
Go and fly in Panama
Days, days, days, days I run girl
Miles, miles, miles, miles on the greenfield
For you, you to give you a gift, gift
The most precious gift, but without any cent, cent
Ganja, weed are use-useless
Only you know to give me the wing-wings
In Jamaica or in Chille, Chille
My heart does Boom-Boom only for you
Eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh
Only for you
Eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh
You haven't answered your phone
No problem, I get you out on the balcony
And you'll see with your own eyes
How I'll bring you flowers, a truck
And I'll sing to you like this with my guitar
If you don't like it this way either
Go and fly in Panama. Oh my feather!
Ah ah, ah ah, fly in Panama
Ah ah, ah ah, fly, oh my feather!
Ah ah, ah ah, fly in Panama!
Ah ah, ah ah, go and fly away
Pound-pounds, pound-pounds I lost
Anyways baby, they were not help-helpful
I miss you, I'm turned around-round
I get home in time, I gotta walk all the way
What does the money help us at?
If you give me love and daily I put years
Like Bonnie and Clyde, there will only be you and I
And we're gonna have, girl, a love like in the movies
Eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh
A love like in the movies
Eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh, eh eh
You haven't answered your phone
No problem, I get you out on the balcony
And you'll see with your own eyes
How I'll bring you flowers, a truck
And I'll sing to you like this with my guitar
If you don't like it this way either
Go and fly in Panama. Oh my feather!
Ah ah, ah ah, fly in Panama
Ah ah, ah ah, fly, oh my feather!
Ah ah, ah ah, fly in Panama!
Ah ah, ah ah, Eh! Oh no!
Baby girl, just come to me
I've got love in my hands and I'll exchange it with yours
Baby girl, my love
Is quality, I give the ounce, ounce, just take it
You haven't answered your phone
No problem, I get you out on the balcony
And you'll see with your own eyes
How I'll bring you flowers, a truck
And I'll sing to you like this with my guitar
If you don't like it this way either
Go and fly in Panama. Oh my feather!
Ah ah, ah ah, fly in Panama
Ah ah, ah ah, fly, oh my feather!
Ah ah, ah ah, fly in Panama!
Ah ah, ah ah, Pwaaah!
Video Zumba "Panama" By VA & Crew
"Panama" Zumba with LiveloveParty
Zin Parchi Kambe present Zumba Panama
Zin Nurul Viral step ! zumba Panama
Panama Zumba by Cable Onda Sport
DJ Remix Version Panama Matteo
Panama Dangdut Version